Microsoft office 2010 product key is one of the most innovative software producers of our time. This is evident in their frequent quest to improve the services offered to their customers, creating newer versions of already produced software. Microsoft Office 2010 product key is one of such. Also, it is the successor of Microsoft 2007. The development and research of this product key kicked off in the year 2006 and by June 2010, it was ready for online purchase to users. This asset which is also referred to as Office 14 has done better than its predecessor already with its new features. It is a Microsoft Office productivity suite created for Windows.

On purchasing it, this software comes with its product key. Its many features make it a best seller for researchers, human resource personnel, development professionals and sales people and it helps them produce better work.

Furthermore, this software version has a unique user interface which is called a Backstage view interface. This feature replaces the Office menu which was known with the previous version; Office 2007. Its purpose is to assist users gain access to tasks and document management sharing by merging them in one location.

It also uses the ribbon feature. The ribbon has Outlook, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Word and it is the main interface that all applications use.

You can find the following features in this new software:

  • It comes with a standalone sandbox domain which protects users safe from malware and virus.
  • It comes with OneDrive integration
  • Also, it has SharePoint integration
  • It has a protected view
  • It offers users the opportunity to co-author. This allows more than one user to work on a document at the same time.
  • With its modified paste button, users can select from the many options which help to conserve time and energy.
  • The PowerPoint feature that comes with this version has a Broadcast Slide Show which makes it possible for instant broadcast presentations.
  • Also, It has better working picture and media functions.
  • Its file format support functions better
  • Some of its other new features like the Sparklines and Slicer give you valid details concerning your data.

Also, this is the first version that comes in two forms; IA-32 and x64. The x64 version has poor functionalities with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.  It also is the first to require product activation for volume license editions. It however works well with Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows XP SP3 and many others.

Unlike its predecessor, this version was well received by many people. It was praised for the new features it has like the Backstage view interface, the functions of the ribbons and how they work with applications.

From October 13th 2015, it no longer received mainstream support and news has it that by October 13th 2020, its extended support will come to an end.

Office 2010 Service Pack 2

UI Additions That Come With This Version

  • The ribbon has an equation tool contextual tab that is supported by OneNote mathematical equations and PowerPoint.
  • The icons meant for its apps have been improved upon.
  • Also, it comes with a splash screen which has a better outlook in comparison to that of its predecessor. It displays animations when launched.
  • Unlike the blue screen that comes with the previous version, this new version has a silver default screen. It also has a 5.1 contrast ratio, making it accessible for better reading.
  • With the new arrangement guides which are features in its Publisher and PowerPoint, users can arrange their items to align with a network.
  • Last but not least, Users now have access to Action which was known as Smart tags in the previous versions from the context menu.


  • This new and improved version has a feature known as Accessibility Checker in Word, PowerPoint and Excel which scans documents in search of faults that would otherwise have negative effects on users with visual impairments. By clicking the button labelled Check for Issues on the group known as Prepare for Sharing, you can access this feature. You can find it on the information of the Backstage view’s tab. Click the button and it leads you to a task panel which has an inventory of problems based on the documents’ accessibility. It proffers solutions to this problem too.
  • One of it several features is the Mini Translator. This feature permits the translation of words in OneNote, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook. These translated texts are displayed in the tooltip and audio pronunciations of selected words are done by a text to speech voice feature of Microsoft which is installed in the device. Users can send translations to other documents. It has a feature referred to as Speak that makes audio pronunciation possible which is accessible through the translate feature known as Mini translator. It is important to note that you need to have the text to speech application installed in the aid selected language field to activate this feature. Text to speech applications can be downloaded from Microsoft but sadly, if installed on Windows XP, the Speaker feature does not function.

Its new interface has information about language options with similar elements, hyperlinks for downloading more content and a ScreenTip language element that helps users personalize the language of tooltips.


This software comes in three packages.

  • Office Professional version: $499
  • Home and Business version: $279.95
  • Home and Student version: $149.95

You can also make purchases from reliable websites. For the full activation of this software, it is mandatory you have the right product keys. This software version has no update available.


Microsoft 2010 product key is a treasure to have by any PC user. It comes in different packages that will be beneficial to various categories of users. Its special features make work less tedious and cumbersome for many. It comes at a god price and is also available for trial just in case you would like to know what it offers before purchasing it.

Microsoft office 2010 Product Key/Activation key 32 Bit


Product Key/Activation key 64 Bit


Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010


Microsoft Project Professional 2010



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